Saturday, August 5, 2017

Mazith time line

When we first started playing Mazith, we started out as cave men and played out each part of  a history that is long and covers almost  every stile of game play with in it's time line. if you like playing games with laser guns and space ships we have a time period for that. If you like playing horror games and playing vampires and what not we have a time period for that. If you like the classic dungeons and dragon style questing we have lots of time periods of that. Even if you like playing old west or modern times we have time periods that are for you. Basically if you like to role play you will like Mazith!

here is some basic information about our time line and time periods   


Key to time periods 
T= a period called time
WI= a period after World War I ended
WWII= a period after World War II ended
WWIII= a period after World war III ended
Dark= a period after WWIII but before the planet was livable again
AD= after dark the planet becoming livable again
AP= after the apocalypse

T period is divided into 4 sections.
Section 1: This time period is marked by the discovery of fire and the wheel. Only human, high elf, dwarf, pixie, fairy, barbarian, and classic reptilian men are playable races during this time. Classes that can be played are fighter, thief, and ones that use nature magic such as druids and rangers.

Section 2: this time period is marked by the discovery to read and write as well as metal working, farming, animal training, and mining. At this time Mazith looks like your classic Mid-evil society. The playable races and classes are the same as section 1 with cleric and townsfolk added to the class list. 

Section 3: this section is marked by the discovery of base magic arts also in this time period dwarfs invent sailing. The bow becomes popular to others races than elf allowing archers to be played now.

Section 4: this time is marked by the star and end of World War I or the elf and dwarf war. The war was started by a language mistake that lasted many years with many deaths on both sides the war looked like the elves were going to win until an unlikely teaming up of the dwarfs and the pixies. The small allies gave the dwarfs the upper hand as spies and scouts. This makes spies playable.

WWI: this part of the time line starts at the end of WWI and goes to the end of WWII this time is also divided into 4 sections.

Section 1: at this time elves and dwarfs are greatly outnumbered by the humans that stayed out of WWI also Gnomes first start appearing across the land. Humans formed many kingdoms while elves hide out in small groups across the world forming over generations into the different types of elf.

Section 2: this time is known as the time of kings. The dwarven kingdom divides into the known dwarven clans, also brownies and sprites become worldwide known. The magical arts start becoming more defined. Playable now are wizard, illusionist, druid and dream warriors. This time is famous for many battles and small wars such as the war of the 5 kingdoms, the battles of high water, the dark elf revaluation and many more.

Section 3: this time period is identified by most of the world’s kingdoms beginning to bend to religious rule and thus beginning many holy wars and battles. A few new races start to become well known in this time period. Centaurs are now playable so is lycanthrope and living vampires as well as the other cursed races. A new field of magic and combat is established making wild crafters, creators and shaman available to play. In the combat arts are monk, assassins and cat burglars.

Section 4: This time period is marked by the start of the Second World War also known as the great troll war. A time when ogre, goblin, troll, orc and classic reptile men teamed up together to try to wipe out humans, elves and dwarfs, a few years of unified monsters attack and elves, dwarfs, and humans put aside their differences to take on the unified monsters. Before the end of this time period most of the planet has been ravished by wartime. Same races and classes as before.

WWII this part of the time line starts at the end of WWII and goes to the end of WWWIII. This time period is divided into 7 sections.

Section 1: This is known as the time of recovery. WWII has just ended most monster-kind has been forced underground or into hiding. Many new kingdoms arriving ruled by the heroes of the war.

Section 2: this time is known by historians as the great leap and the beginning of this 1000 year span. Mazith is attacked by an alien race known as insectiods, the war ends with the insectiods leaving the planet but in their exit they leave behind much of their crystal technology that the elves quickly adapt as their own. A few years after the 12 year war a very advanced race called perlexians crash land on Mazith. 2 kingdoms discovered the crash. The kingdom called the Lord Knights found the ship itself and the kingdom called the Wilted Rose found the escape pods.

Section 3: This time is know as the first space race and by other historians as the great cold war. Both the Lord Knights who start calling themselves the U.C.O.  and the Wilted Rose not only spend countless resources and time reverse engineering the alien technology but also engage in a land grab war to unify Mazith under one or the others control. Lots of new townsfolk classes emerge at this time from computer tech to laser weapons engineer. Hawk men are also playable at this time.

Section 4: the first part of WWIII starts with million of lives lost because of the new technology but the violence is short lived as the U.C.O. Tech is far superior to the Wilted Rose's  and the war is thought to be over with the U.C.O controlling 95%of the globe.

Section 5: There is 500 years of peace. Monster-kind is still recuperating from the Second World War and has fallen into individual clans still hidden into deep forest and caves. The army of the /wilted Rose ate at this time is nothing but small terrorist groups scattered and looking for direction and the U.C.O. governs the world with a no taxation policy and focuses its time on education and betterment of the common man. Heroes from the first part of the war retire and become everything from shopkeepers to governors and mayors it is truly a time of profit and peace.

Section 6: When someone says they are talking about WWIII, this is the time they are truly talking about not the earlier U.C.O. and the Wiled Rose battles at the start of this time. In history agents of the Wilted Rose worked tirelessly in secret to reunify the monster kingdoms and to supply them with tech shields and laser weaponry. The leader of the Wilted Rose make many dark deals with Rodan the God of Hell and to Bones the God of the undead both granting him armies of demons and horde of zombies, led by necromancy clerics and vampire lords. With the new allies and weapons the Wilted Rose had stockpiled during the 500 years of peace. They were almost ready but waited two more years until they had bought enough governors and rulers of the territories that when they attacked they would have places to get resources from.

Section 7: The largest war in Mazith history in this section of time 10,000 died daily also in this time both sides of the war achieved a full time space presents and colonized many worlds of which they terraformed to be able to do so. While the war in space was being won by the Wilted Rose the U.C.O. still was stronger on the ground.

Dark: this time period starts at the end of WWIII and before the world becomes 
Livable again.   

Section 1: Cold war breaks out on Rodans' Island and in a finale strike the wilted rose lunches 12 uranium atomic bombs and 10 plutonium bombs. The uranium bombs had a blast yield of 1500 kilotons of TNT and contained 1400 pounds of uranium the plutonium bombs which had a blast yield of 210 kilotons and was filled with 62.0 kilograms of plutonium. In addition to these were 32 terraforming missiles which changed the planets look at a genetic level plus there were 45 mini bombs that released everything from super flu, super creation and genetic mutations across the world.

Section 2: There is a 50-100 year of the planet dying off. The only living things that can servie on the surface of the planet is the lycans, vamps, and the decayer making these cursed races playable.  There are a few humanoids that make it underground to safety.

Section 3: Alicen Roach was the first creature kin to thrive, she soon found others like herself and the creature kin society begins. Making creature kin, felionians and canine men and reptile men all playable.

Section 4: The planet starts the heal itself and people start coming out of hiding . During this section Alicen works with druids, rangers forest spirits and guides to help heal the planet.

After dark: during this time period a lot of important things take place.

Section 1: There is 520 years of regrowth and life is normal with the exception that there is no more tech as the Goddess Eve has banished all technology.

Section 2: Many major cities are founded and become established. Magic City, Nipon, and Beast Island are just a few to do so. About ½ of the Gods on the Gods list ascend during this time as well.

Apocalypse: This time is after the peaceful time of regrowth straight to the planet having to reset and heal itself once more.

Section 1: In this time the son of the greatest thieve of all time wants to do one better than his father. He first buys all the magic shops all over the planet and closes them, he then has all people who can make magical items killed and burns libraries so that no one can learn to do this magic. He open a magic shop on Bombay Island. When all this is done he goes to his father boasting that he just stole magic from the planet.

Section 2: Woodons a rare race of merchants strip all minerals from mines this makes all things made from minerals very valuable.

Section 3: A cult leader named Puff has the intention of assassinating the members of the legend group but before he can pull this off he, himself is killed. This action started many things as he had time release bombs that would be triggered if ever he should die. These bombs release 2 very distinct effects the first is that all life forms intelligence and wisdom revert to the intelligence and wisdom of a cave man. This part dies off in a few days. The other part kills every one with a charisma over 25 and an intelligence over 21 killing all magic users. The second part was known as the Glitter plague as she was his main target.

Section 4: A number of on going adventures and quest take place and will documented in future books.  

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