Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Lyrica’s Galaxy Bracelet

Notes: If you do not play Mazith but some other RPG then to make this work all you need to do is change Lyrica to some famous Bard in your realm, and maybe a few of the powers might need a little change for your game system but it should be a easy change over. 

Lyrica’s Galaxy Bracelet (God Item: This small golden charm bracelet when found will have 3 charms on it. A portal charm, music note, and elf ear.  Each charm has a different power. (see list below) The bracelet itself has one power that activates by itself each day, to determine the effect of the power, the player must roll 1d100 and use the steps below. The bracelet cannot hold more than 20 charms.

Every Day 1d100 chart
01-25 that last charm attached to bracelet crumbles to ash.
26-50 nothing happens
51-61 A silver charm bracelet appears (this magic bracelet can hold charms so that they can be used by others than the Galaxy Bracelet owner.
62-72 roll 1d10 and use only the first 10 on the charms list
          73-83 roll 1d20 and use only the first 20 on the charms list
84-94 roll 1d100 and use only the first 100 on the charms list
95-100 Rm using the charm list below as a guide come up with a new charm that fits the players needs or wants at the time.

Charm list  
A= one time use item and the charm disappears after use
          B= the charm must be taken off the bracelet to activate.
          C= must be on or removed from a silver bracelet to use
D= must be thrown at ground to activate
          E= must be thrown at target to affect the target and activate the charm 
          F= can’t have more than 1 of this kind of charm on a Bracelet
          G= can’t have more than 3 of this kind of charm on a Bracelet
          H= can’t have more than 5 of this kind of charm on a Bracelet
          I= cannot be removed from the Galaxy Bracelet
     J= RM picks the type of random thing list (i.e. if it says random animal than RM pick a type of animal like blue bird)
     K= must hold and concentrate to activate           

1.     Feather (A, B):  a few flicks after the charm is removed from the bracelet it permanently becomes a quill.
2.     Plus sign (A, B, E): heals target 1d10 HP
3.     Blue pearl (A, B, E): regenerate 1d8 MP
4.     Silver spoon (A, B, D): a cooked meal appears on the ground. Dishes disappear after 1 candle.
5.     Bomb (A, B, E): creates a 10 foot cube of smoke
6.     Fireball (A,B,E) 3d10 Fire balls
7.     Ice cube (A,B,E) hold person spell 1d4 rounds  
8.     White glove (A,B,D) throw this charm at the ground and everything in 50x50 foot radius will become clean
9.     Birthday cake (A, B, D): 8 cut slices of cake this frosting appear on a platter the player disappears after one candle.
10.                         Fairy (A, B,): allows you to float for 1d20 drips when activated.
11.                         Silver “S” (A,B,H) gives you a +1 strength for one candle
12.                         Silver “D” (A,B,H) gives you a +1 Dexterity for one candle
13.                         Silver “I” (A,B,H) gives you a +1 Intelligence for one candle
14.                         Silver “W” (A,B,H) gives you a +1 wisdom for one candle
15.                         Silver “C” (A,B,H) gives you a +1 Charisma for one candle
16.                         Silver “P” (A,B,H) gives you a +1 perception for one candle
17.                         Silver Tree (A, B, E): must be thrown at a tree if hit the tree turns into cut up firewood.
18.                        Silver fish(A,B): let you breath under water for 5 candles  
19.                        Portal charm (A, B, C, and D): when this charm is used it opens a portal on the ground that stays open for 3 rounds anyone jumping in will appear with in five feet of the Galaxy Bracelet.
20.                        Copper Dragon wing (A, B,): when charm is removed from bracelet the owner grows gold dragon wings from their back proportionate to their body size. Wings last for 30 candles   
21.                        Silver campfire (A, D, and F): if this charm is thrown in the camp fire at night the party will have 10% less chance of night time encounters.
22.                        Anvil(H): give you a +1 blacksmith skill
23.                         Bandage   (H): First aid+1
24.                         Spool (H): Sewing +1
25.                         Tomato (H): Farming +1
26.                         Golden Spoon (H): Cooking +1
27.                         Music note(H):  singing +1
28.                         Pad lock (H): pick locks 5%
29.                         Hound dog (H): tracking +1
30.                        Book: reading and writing +1
31.                        Boxing gloves(H): Hand to hand+1 
32.                        Chisel (H): woodworking +1
33.                        Blacksmiths hammer(H): metalworking +1
34.                        Awl (H):leather working +1 
35.                        Drop spindle(H) cordage making +1
36.                        Knitting needle(H): knitting +1
37.                        Basket(H): basket making +1
38.                        Loom (H): weaving +1
39.                        White dolphin(H) swimming +1
40.                        Fishing hook(H): fishing +1
41.                        Small shield (G): block+1
42.                        Bow and arrow(H): hunting+1
43.                        Bear trap(H): trapping+1
44.                        Elf ear(F):speak and understand elf
45.                        Brick (H): masonry+1
46.                        Mountain (H): rock climbing +1
47.                         Jewelers eye(H): gem carving+1
48.                        Hammer (H): carpentry +1
49.                        Worn down statue of a man(H):Stone carving+1 
50.                        Ink well(H): ink making+1
51.                        Bat (H):Flying +1
52.                        Compass (H): navigation +1
53.                         Random Music instrument (H, J): whatever RM picks as the music instrument you get a skill+1 in that instrument
54.                        Hourglass (H): history+1
55.                        Masquerade mask(H): stealth 5%
56.                        Paint brush (H): painting+1
57.                        Keg(H): Brewing +1
58.                        Random gem(H, J): geology +1 
59.                        Gold “S” (H) gives you a +1 strength
60.                         Gold “D” (H) gives you a +1 Dexterity
61.                         Gold “I” (H) gives you a +1 Intelligence
62.                         Gold “W” (H) gives you a +1 wisdom 
63.                         Gold “C” (H) gives you a +1 Charisma  
64.                        Gold “P” (H) gives you a +1 patience
65.                        Gold “eye” (H) gives you a +1 perception 
66.                        Golden heart (H) gives you a +1 constitution
67.                        Golden Plus sign (F): regenerate 1d6 HP per round
68.                        Golden Blue pearl ( F): regenerate 1d4 MP per candle
69.                        Golden tent(D, F) when thrown at the ground it becomes a 6 man tent for the next 10 candles then turns back in to a charm
70.                        Golden pillow (D, F) when thrown at the ground it becomes a  bed roll blanket and pillow for 10 candles then turns back into a charm
71.                        Golden campfire (F): if this charm is on a charm bracelet than the party will have 10% less chance of night time encounters.
72.                        Candy(J): once a day this charm creates 1 piece of random candy
73.                        A toy drum(K): activate this charm and a drum will begin playing softly if you start playing music or sing the drum will change to keep beat and play  along
74.                        A toy saxophone(K): activate this charm and a saxophone will begin playing softly if you start playing music or sing the saxophone will change to keep beat and play  along
75.                        A toy lute (K): activate this charm and a lute will begin playing softly if you start playing music or sing the lute will change to keep beat and play  along
76.                         A toy flute (K): activate this charm and A flute will begin playing softly if you start playing music or sing the  flute will change to keep beat and play  along
77.                        A toy piano (K): activate this charm and a Piano will begin playing softly if you start playing music or sing the piano will change to keep beat and play  along
78.                        Fire cracker (F, K): when activated a ½ candle fireworks show will be set off in the sky above the players head. This power can only be used once a day.
79.                        Random monster (H, J): learn to speak that type of monsters language
80.                        Glass Telescope (C):allows the owners of the Galaxy Bracelet to see out of the eyes of the person with this charm on their silver bracelet 
81.                        Glass Fox (C): allows the owners of the Galaxy Bracelet to smell what the person with this charm on their silver bracelet smells 
82.                        Glass Ear (C): allows the owners of the Galaxy Bracelet to hear what the person with this charm on their silver bracelet hears
83.                        Glass door(A, B, C, and D): allows the owners of the Galaxy Bracelet to teleport one time to the person with this charm on their silver bracelet
84.                         The glass man (I): this charm has no power by itself but is any one has a glass charm on a silver bracelet and levels up you will gain 1KP as if they were your follower even if they are not.
85.                        The Black Mug(K):once activated you become instantly sober from any alcohol(but only alcohol)  
86.                        The black random weapon (B, G, and J): this weapon charm becomes full sized magic weapon that is a +2+2
87.                        The Black key (A, B, and F):put this key to any non-magical lock and it will unlock the lock and the key disappears
88.                        The Black Coin (A, B, and E): throw this charm at an appoint and they lose ½ there total HP.
89.                        Diamond Dragon eye(F, K) when activated you see a faint glow around anything that is magical
90.                        Diamond Dragon wing (B, F, and K): when charm is removed from bracelet and held in hand the owner grows gold dragon wings from their back proportionate to their body size. When charm is put back on bracelet your wings disintegrate.
91.                        Diamond Dragon legs and tail (F): gives you a 20 foot jump added to your jump
92.                        Diamond Dragon tooth (F,K):allows you to speak and understand dragon
93.                        Diamond Dragon Skull (F) allows you to take on a second class.
94.                        The Diamond Full Dragon (F, K)no power unless you have the Diamond Dragon eye charm, Diamond Dragon wing charm, Diamond Dragon legs and tail charm,  Diamond Dragon tooth charm, and the Diamond Dragon Skull charm. If you have all of these charms then each time this charm is  activated a random Dragon will appear the dragon will only be 10- 12 inches tall but will act as a loving and protective pet. The dragon will disappear after 10 candles.  
95.                        Sprite (F): Bearer will be able to turn invisible by holding their breath (1/2 CON in rounds)
96.                        Elven archer (A, B, D, and F): summons 4 Elven archers made of light for 1d10+1 rounds. They will shoot 1d10+ the galaxy bracelets owners’ level at any target that the player hits at. They hit on a 4 or higher  
97.                        Random Small animal (I, J): the animal can come to life for 5 candles a day and act as a highly intelligent pet.
98.                        Golden star (A, B ,D and J): once tossed on the ground the start will either fly and over to something in the area or make some random small illusion to give the player a hint at what to do.
99.                         A marble that when you look at it you can see a galaxy inside (F, I, K): see galaxy charm below
100.                   Rm using the charm list above as a guide come up with a new charm that fits the players needs or wants at the time.

Galaxy charm
If this is the only charm on the Galaxy Bracelet and you activate this charm you will be teleported  to a blank world it will look like one solid land mass of black ground. But depending on what other charms are on the bracelet will determine how the world evolves see the list below.
1.     Fairy (A, B,): world will evolve all Ferries  
2.     Silver fish (A,B):  the world will evolve lakes, rivers, and oceans.
3.     Portal charm (A, B, C, and D): world will evolve 4 portals one at each pole that allow you to travel from pole to pole in an instant
4.     Tomato (H): the world will evolve  all types of edible plants
5.     Music note(H): if there are races they will begin to worship  Lyrica
6.     White dolphin(H): the world will evolve all kinds of magical water creatures
7.     Fishing hook(H): the world will evolve all kinds of non-magical fish and sea life (hope you have water on the world or it just became a messy place)
8.     Bear trap(H): the world will evolve all types of small animals
9.     Elf ear(F): the world will evolve elf’s
10.                        Mountain (H): the world will evolve  mountains and hills
11.                        Worn down statue of a man(H): the world will evolve humans
12.                        Ink well(H): written language is discovered by one of the races of the world
13.                        Bat (H): the world will evolve bats of all kinds including giant dragon sized bats
14.                         Random Music instrument (H, J): the world will evolve the magic class Bard
15.                        Hourglass (H): the world will evolve in time by 100 years each time this is taken off and put back on the bracelet  
16.                        Shooting star (H): greats a moon and if this is on the bracelet and a new charm is put on that create a race or animal than that race or animal does not evolve on the world but on its new moon
17.                        Keg(H): the world will evolve dwarfs
18.                        Random gem(H, J):  the world will evolve all types of gem stones
19.                        Golden Plus sign (F): heeling magic is discovered by one of the races  on the world if there are no races yet one of the animals (RMS choice) will develop a magic healing power
20.                        Golden Blue pearl ( F): the world will evolve wizard as a class  
21.                        Golden tent(D, F) some of one of the races becomes nomadic and capable of making miner magic items  
22.                        A toy drum(K):  the world will evolves new plants that each make the sound of different musical instruments that seem to play in harmony together
23.                        A toy saxophone(K): the world will evolves new small animals that look like mice but males have unicorn horns and females have butterfly wings they each make the sound of different musical instruments that seem to play in harmony together
24.                        A toy lute (K): ):  the world will evolves new type of small bird only about 2 inches tall and come in many neon colors  that each make the sound of different musical instruments that seem to play in harmony together
25.                         A toy flute (K): ):  the world will evolves new crystals that only grow in water they come in many colors that each make the sound of different musical instruments that seem to play in harmony together
26.                        Fire cracker (F, K):  the world will evolves Black crystal (Mazith version of gun powder)
27.                        Random monster (H, J): the world will evolves the type of monster the Rm made the charm
28.                        The glass man (I): the world will evolves a new race with human shaped bodies but made of glass they are see through and cannot speak so they communicate by a form of sign language and filling their body with different colored smoke that represents emotion.   
29.                        : The Black Mug(K):  if there is dwarfs in the world than the order of the Black mug starts an order dedicated to developing magic ails and beers 
30.                        The Black key (A, B, and F): ruins and ancient keeps spring up across the world
31.                        The Black Coin (A, B, and E):one of the races starts an assassin guild
32.                        The Diamond Full Dragon (F, K): the world will evolves dragons of every type including the new song dragon a white scaled dragon with some scales that have black marking on them that look like symbols you would see on sheet music its breath weapon is a one of three songs it can sing 1 calms all life around it so nothing can attack a song that cause’s madness in most lifeforms and three is a song that teleports the dragon back to its din
33.                         Sprite (F): the world will evolves sprites as a race
34.                        Random Small animal (I, J):  all modern earth animals evolves on  the world

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