Saturday, March 18, 2017

Would you like to see either yours or your character’s name immortalized in one of the first printed books By Manabu Games? Well we want to honor our fans and beta testers if you have been playing Mazith follow the steps below to get immortalized!

Step 1: subscribe to this blog
Step 2: comment on this post saying
                A: Your name and character’s name if you want it used instead of yours.
                B: Your RM’s or game masters name real
                C: Either Animal, Plant, Mineral, or land. (This tells us how you want to be immortalized)

Questions you may have:

Q: In what book will my name come out in?
A: Well for starters it will come out in either the RMS tool bag or the Players guide book. These two books will be done in by monthly editions. Meaning every other month a new version of the book will come out with all new information, think the old D&D dragon, and dungeon magazines. That said it will most like come out again in latter books like the plant or animals handbooks      

Q: will I get paid for this?
A: Most likely not, at least not at this time. Right now as you know we are just starting and working with a no money type of budget but if we ever get big, you can count on us rewording those that have been with us all along.

Q: when will I get to see how my name is used?
A: Before the book comes out and we use it we will contact you to make sure your happy with how we used your name?

Q; can I have any say over what you make?  
A: You get to pic the name and category but after that we will do the rest. This is to insure that nothing that does not fit the game world is created.

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